Creating High Performing & Sustainable Cultures

Do you want to be able to scale your business to the next level, sustainably, while nurturing your staff, raising standards and creating a culture of high commitment, loyalty and performance?

Creating High Performing Cultures

Performance Principles 

To sustain strong performance over the long term requires a strong culture that combines effective leadership, cohesive teams, shared values & standards and business systems to support the culture.

Performance Principles


We are wired to ‘want more’ and we want to ‘discover what we are capable of’. This applies to us as individuals, teams and organisations. These fundamental human forces require us to grow - to BE more, so we can DO more, and then HAVE more.  

Growth is about ‘becoming’ through amplifying and expanding areas of our life: physical, mental, spiritual, health, skills, abilities, focus, effectiveness, and so on. Growth is built upon change and change involves altering your state of mind and actions along with it.

An old adage states, ‘you are either green and growing or you are brown and dying’.

Nurturing and developing sustainable business growth is a delicate balance between human transformation (individually and in teams) and the organisational systems in support of your people.

Growth in Business
Creating and innovating in business


Inspired by the words of John Schaar, an American scholar and political theorist, I believe every person and business is unique and the path to their future and success is not borrowed or found, it is created.  Joy and fulfilment come from making it. The activity of making your path will change both you and the destination. The destination isn’t fixed, and neither is the meaning. We create it.

Creation and growth are lifelong companions.

"The only way to predict the future is to create it." ~ Peter Drucker


Our thoughts become our words, and together, our language. Our language is the primary tool for expression, communication and connection. Words are capable of implanting ideas, influencing decisions or instigating action. They are also loaded with emotional potency and meaning, which has a significant impact. Words matter. A constructive and deliberate choice in language serves every person. 

In an organisation, a shared language will promote effective communication, collaboration and ultimately, performance. Therefore, it is vital that organisations and teams choose for themselves the language or distinctions that serve them. Numerous words today lack a universally agreed definition, such as ‘leadership’ and ‘sustainability’. The distinctions chosen by an organisation do not disrespect or cancel out any other meanings that are used or exist outside of the business. It is simply the effective use of language in a chosen culture.

The words you use are important.
Caring for your co-workers, clients and community.


Care is a lead factor, not a lag factor. Caring is a differentiator for a leader – it is needed to grow and create. Care begins with your purpose and who you serve. It extends to all of the people in your charge and to the organisational systems that enable them to function effectively.

It starts with self-care. CEOs are symbolic - their actions symbolise the whole organisation (aka the system). Because the CEO is always being watched and read, what they condone becomes the culture. Care is modelled to the senior team and then to the organisation.

At the heart of responsibility is care and care leads to long term sustainability.


Clarity is key to knowing what you want. What you want is accompanied by the answer to the question, ‘why do you want it?’ Reasons come first and answers come second.

Clarity is power. It brings vital energy, awareness and focus, sharpens purpose, engagement, accountability and communication. It brings a context for problem solving and adapting to a changing environment. It enables growth and creativity.

The enemy of clarity is ambiguity. There is no doubt that a healthy relationship with external ambiguity is vital. Avoiding internal ambiguity is more important. It can distract, be wasteful and costly and can be risky. It invites in most of the ineffective elements that plague organisations.

People don't need more accountability in life - they believe and feel they already have more than enough! They need more clarity.

Seeing it as it is, not worse than it is. Get Clarity.
Your team is your business.


An African Proverb says, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’

Our world is complex, and a natural companion of complexity is fragility. No one person can know, master or do everything. It takes numerous people and trust. Regardless of the hero myths in our social culture, no one succeeds on their own. It takes teams and distributed leadership. Competition today is fundamentally about talent and culture.

Many entrepreneurs and executives think and act alone because they’re reluctant to be vulnerable or subscribe to outdated concepts of leadership. They often wind up exhausted, stressed, anxious, and ineffective. Nothing is going to change unless they want to change.

Building sustainable and high performing cultures starts with care and clarity on what is important. To be effective and grow, teams need a common language and the power to create the paths forward.


Andrew Rettie - Principal

For more than 40 years Andrew Rettie has been working across many diverse businesses, influencing and shaping their cultures for performance and sustainability.

Never losing sight of business being by people for people, Andrew has found the essence of a sustainable and high performing culture to be the combination of effective leadership, cohesive teams, shared values and standards and business systems that support the culture.

Performance is always about people.

Find out more about Andrew.


What they say

Murray WilKinson 

Managing Director
Future Gen Systems

We worked with Andrew to develop a program for our Advisers and staff to understand the essence of human relationships and to facilitate an approach to understanding the circumstances of individual clients.

We have younger advisers who are often daunted by the prospect of having conversations with Baby Boomers. 

The program was fun, insightful and had all attendees thinking about their approach. The program was well received by all attendees and the learnings are still being applied and developed.

Karen Crouch

Karen Crouch

Managing Director
Health Practice Creations Group

I have worked / collaborated with Andrew on a number of projects with clients and within my business HPC over a number of years. Andrew brings such a vast breadth of skill and experience to every project he works on given his more than impressive background. He is methodical and detailed.

Andrew has a unique ability to progress a project with pace whilst managing to keep all members of the team calm and clear-headed in order to make the right decisions. 

I highly recommend Andrew to any business owner or CEO who wants to grow or change their business or their leadership skills in some way.

Our Approach & Services

Each person, group or organisation is unique in its needs and development, so we align our services to where you are in your growth journey.

As a foundation to a high performing culture we provide individualised services aimed at developing leadership and team capabilities, as well as optimizing resources.

To elevate your business to the next level we partner with you to address your needs and goals.

What is the cost of NOT having highly effective teams?

Being Profile Accredited Practitioner